I would like to say THANK YOU & may God Bless you & yours.

We cannot force others to be something they cannot be, so consider the source & carry on being an amazing person filled with love & concern for others🙏

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Thank you Greg. Please know that you made an extremely positive difference in this gals life and I am immensely grateful for the small part you've played in my life. I was also so angry that it paralyzed me and I was stewing in it which kept me from DOING something and coming out the other side. Growth and understanding is a mature person's path that some never achieve. Although useful at times, chaos and Rage cannot stand the test of time and lacks the soul needed to rise to greater things. Good luck to you and your family Greg. All the best and thanks again. Diane

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Clear endings are rare in life, well, they used to be. I have had to make a few myself. Re following various folks online, after a few watches, I try to see where they lead me, towards good action, or do they seem to be keeping people spinning on pissed mode. Most folks do not pass the test, in the long run. As it should be. Best to you and your endeavors from Oregon.

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Sorry to hear thats how its gone. Glad I have been spending time on personal project rather than spending my time online. Good luck whatever you are doing.

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Thank you, Greg, for saying what I've also observed and experienced, but was unable to say. Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, when we forget that understanding, belief and absolute faith we can easily be pulled astray. Thankfully, He doesn't discard us.

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Greg & I know CHRIST IS KING. People are tired & stressed out & I still have all my teeth lol. THANK GOD. Being kind I let too many strangers in my home & still offer my humble abode for safety. Yikes. Take care Greg & your family comes first.

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You're such a pathetic little faggot, Jeremy.

Not even your RCMP handlers take you seriously.

Let alone the children you abandoned.

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You're a coward hysterical woman that wouldn't even explain yourself or have the courage to speak a word to my face. You erased all of our conversations without a word including many of the backend details needed to facilitate web administration because? You didn't get enough attention? You left the Winnipeg volunteers holding the bag and once again, at the last minute showed up to make it about yourself by causing some feminine spectacle with Derek and Alex and ran away before I even laid eyes on you. You made everything about yourself in a temper tantrum and caused an incredible amount of headaches for far too many people. I was nothing but kind to you and made numerous efforts to include you but you always chose emotional breakdowns and flailing to try and elicit the attention you evidently cannot stomach living without. You refused to engage in anything BUT online drama and nonsense and ignored half a dozen invitations.

Have you tried telling the truth that you care more about about being drunk than the people around you?

Good game, piss tank quitter.

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Weak as fuck, Jeremy.

Do you have anyone around you to tell you how gay and effinate yousound when you stim out, or have you gone full Court-sycophant mode where they pretend you aren't an embarrassment?

Does your father even speakto youanymore?

You're a disgrace.

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Nobody believes your bitch takes anymore, manlet.

Your ship is sinking.

Better call Bristow and ask how to deal with EndEx.

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Jeremy wouldknow from "coward".

he'snever come through on one single threat he has made for either violence or litigation.

Jeremy MacKenzie is the definition of cowardice, especially his disgraceful performance in Afghanistan.

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You're such a pathetic little faggot, Jeremy.

Not even your RCMP handlers take you seriously.

Let alonethe children you abandoned.

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